99204 CPT Code Description and Fee Schedule 2024

The 99204 CPT code is commonly used for office or outpatient medical billing and coding visits. Healthcare providers in USA use it to bill for comprehensive E/M- Evaluation and Management services for new patients as well. However, most of the providers may need help determining when to use this code and how to ensure they … Read more

CPT Code 99213 Description and Uses (2024)

Medical billing and coding is not a easy process. Understanding the  (Current Procedure Terminology) CPT codes is essential for accurate and timely reimbursement and beware of denial. One of the most commonly used procedure codes in medical billing is cpt code 99213. This code is use for evaluation and management services (E/M Services) provided to … Read more

Hyperlipidemia ICD 10 Code (2024)

hyperlipidemia icd 10 codes

Hyperlipidemia is a health related disorder caused by the increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which is spreading rapidly in India. It is emerging as a serious disorder which is proving fatal for the health of the people. About 25-30% of people in urban areas are suffering from the problem of high … Read more

ICD-10 code for Fatigue (2024)

ICD-10 code for fatigue

Fatigue is a condition widely experienced among professionals who are bound to meet certain performance goals while managing stress and other demands. It is usually felt when we work for long hours, fatigue can be due to both mental and physical exhaustion. This occurs when there is an unequal distribution of energy in a person’s … Read more

ICD 10 Code for Insomnia |What are the main causes of insomnia?

what is the icd 10 code for insomnia

Insomnia or sleeplessness is a common disorder that is troubling millions of people around the world. Due to insomnia, it becomes very difficult to get enough and good sleep. A person suffering from insomnia may not fall asleep quickly or may have difficulty in getting a long sleep, once the person suffering from insomnia wakes … Read more

ICD 10 Code for Obesity| What is Obesity ?

what is the icd 10 code for obesity

Due to busy lifestyle and wrong eating habits, new health problems are taking birth all over the world. Due to our carelessness in eating and drinking, these diseases are increasing rapidly. Obesity increases due to such carelessness, obesity is that condition of the body when excessive fat accumulates on our body. Obesity can embarrass you … Read more

ICD 10 code Anemia |Diagnosis code for Anemia (2024)

ICD 10 codes for Anemia

Many people believe that Anemia occurs only due to lack of blood in the body, but this is not true and there are many other reasons due to which Anemia occurs. If you believe that Anemia is caused only by lack of blood, then it is natural because we have heard this from children in … Read more

Hemorrhoids ICD 10 Code | What is Hemorrhoids Medication (2024)

hemorrhoids icd 10 codes

Wrong eating habits and modern lifestyle have given rise to more such reasons than which have made things easy and comfortable, due to which human beings are very upset today. Due to our carelessness, today we are unknowingly falling prey to many such diseases which are very dangerous and painful. Hemorrhoid is one such disease … Read more

PR 96 Denial Code – Non-Covered Charges (2024)

PR 96 denial code in medical billing and coding

Wondering what this term means? Well, if you are someone who is not aware of medical billing, these few words might seem alien to most! But the PR Denial Code descriptions is exceptionally important for medical billing and the full form for PR stands for “Patient Responsibility”. PR 96 Denial code means non-covered charges. When … Read more

ICD 10 For Fever| Cause, Symptoms and Protection from Fever

ICD 10 Code for fever is R50.9

People with weak immunity get fever very quickly, fever can be seen more in children and the elderly. Fever is the most commonly found health problem. Because fever is spread by infection of small bacteria, so there are many types of it like malaria, flu, dengue etc. Fever is usually a common health problem, which … Read more