Hemorrhoids ICD 10 Code | What is Hemorrhoids Medication (2024)

Wrong eating habits and modern lifestyle have given rise to more such reasons than which have made things easy and comfortable, due to which human beings are very upset today. Due to our carelessness, today we are unknowingly falling prey to many such diseases which are very dangerous and painful. Hemorrhoid is one such disease which is very painful in which it becomes difficult for a person to get up and sit.There is unbearable pain while having a bowel movement, which only a suffering person knows. There are many patients around the world who are suffering from it. Hemorrhoids can cause warts on the inside or outside of the anus. In which there is a lot of pain and sometimes blood also comes. But by timely treatment of piles, it can be relieved. The Hemorrhoids icd 10 code is K64.9, other external hemorrhoids icd 10 and internal hemorrhoids icd 10 is updated in below table.

Table of Contents

What is Hemorrhoids ?

Pies, which is also known as hemorrhoids in medical language, is a disease in which there is great difficulty and pain during bowel movement. Sometimes bloody piles occur, which means blood starts coming during bowel movement. Bleeding in piles means that there is some serious problem in the rectum and anus. Sometimes this problem gets cured on its own, but sometimes due to not paying attention, the problem can also increase.Sometimes the blood falls slowly drop by drop and sometimes it comes out like a pitch. According to experts, in this condition, the inside and outside of the anus and the lower part of the rectum swells and warts are formed here. Uncomfortable pain also increases due to swelling. Often many patients do not tell the doctor due to hesitation, due to which their infection increases further and becomes very complicated after a time.

Causes of Hemorrhoids :

Most hemorrhoids are caused by swollen veins that develop from increased pressure in the lower rectum. No concrete cause of piles is known but some reasons have been given by health experts which are as follows-

  • Straining during bowel movement: Using more force to pass during bowel movement.
  • Not doing regular exercise.
  • Pregnancy: This occurs more regularly in pregnant women, because as the uterus expands, it puts pressure on the veins in the colon, causing these veins to swell.
  • Old age: These are seen among the elders. The age group can be classified into 45 to 65 years. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen to youngsters and children.
  • Diarrhoea: There can be a problem of hemorrhoids due to frequent diarrhea.
  • Nutrients: This can happen even if you have a low fiber diet.
  • Chronic Constipation: Timely treatment of constipation is very important, due to chronic constipation, straining to move the stool puts extra load on the divider of the veins, which can lead to swollen veins and hemorrhoids.
  • This disease is seen more in people suffering from overweight or obesity.
  • Sitting for a long time: Sitting in the same position for a long time makes a person more prone to Hemorrhoids. This problem can be seen with tailors, IT profession or those whose maximum work is done sitting.
  • Standing: Working while standing for a long time can also be the reason for this.
  • Genetics: This problem arises due to genetics in some individuals.

Effect of Hemorrhoids :

Due to Hemorrhoids, the whole body remains troubled and suffers from unbearable pain. But due to this, the stomach is always upset, after eating any food, there is a desire to pass stool again and again, but stool does not come out. Apart from this, while passing stool, there is unbearable pain in the veins of the anus and it becomes swollen. In Hemorrhoids, swelling occurs inside and outside the pulp and in the lower part of the rectum and warts are formed inside and outside the pulp. Sometimes these warts remain inside, sometimes they come out, later on being pushed inside by hand, they go inside, but in case of severe piles, they do not go away even when pushed by hand.

how to treat hemorrhoids
How to treat hemorrhoids ?

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids :

It is not at all necessary that piles should immediately show any such symptoms which would suggest that hemorrhoids have occurred. Sometimes it happens that if piles has not reached a serious stage, then it gets cured on its own in 4-5 days without any treatment. But if the disease progresses, then the following symptoms appear-

  • A hard lump-like structure is felt around the anus, there is severe pain in it, and blood also comes.
  • Discharge of feces or sticky mucus from the anus.
  • Stomach is not clean even after sitting in the state of defecation for a long time.
  • Bleeding with burning sensation during bowel movement in external piles. Feeling constipated.
  • Sharp pain in rectum at the time of defecation.
  • coming of mucus at the time of defecation.
  • Having the urge to pass stool again and again, but the stool does not come out while passing.
  • If any symptoms are known, talk to the doctor without delay.

Treatment of Hemorrhoids :

Earlier there used to be only one option for the treatment of piles which was open surgery. But today there is also the option of laser surgery, which cures piles within a few days. Apart from this, the new procedure for its treatment is called ‘Minimally Invasive Procedure for Hemorrhoids’ (MIPH), also known as ‘Stapler Haemorrhoidectomy’. goes. Piles are swollen veins around the anus and rectum that are filled with blood.It can be internal and external. While external hemorrhoids may take a few days to heal, internal hemorrhoids take longer to heal and require medical treatment.

Hemorrhoids ICD 10 Code List :

ICD 10 codes for Hemorrhoids is K64.9, other adjacent ICD 10 code for Hemorrhoids are as under,

ICD CodesDescription
K63.89Other specified diseases of intestine
K63.9Disease of intestine, unspecified
K64Hemorrhoids and perianal venous thrombosis
K64.0First degree hemorrhoids
K64.1Second degree hemorrhoids
K64.2Third degree hemorrhoids
K64.3Fourth degree hemorrhoids
K64.4Residual hemorrhoidal skin tags
K64.5Perianal venous thrombosis
K64.8Other hemorrhoids
K64.9Unspecified hemorrhoids
K65.0Generalized (acute) peritonitis
K65.1Peritoneal abscess
K65.2Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
K65.4Sclerosing mesenteritis
K65.8Other peritonitis
K65.9Peritonitis, unspecified
K66Other disorders of peritoneum
K66.0Peritoneal adhesions (postprocedural, postinfection)
ICD 10 codes for Hemorrhoids

Conclusion :

In this post, we told you what is hemorrhoids, how can it be treated, what are its symptoms and due to what reasons hemorrhoids hit a person. Hemorrhoids is a condition that needs immediate medical attention, even the slightest negligence can aggravate your problem.In the initial time its symptoms are not detected and many times it gets cured on its own without treatment but when it happens for the second time, the patient does not show it to the doctor thinking that it will get cured on its own but from here hemorrhoids become serious. starts to take hold. Try not to do any work for a long time in the same condition, this causes pressure on the nerves of the anus and causes swelling, which later causes piles.


Q1. How many types of Hemorrhoids ?

Bloody hemorrhoids- There is no pain in bloody piles, but blood comes in it while defecating, sometimes the blood falls like a drop and sometimes like a pitch. In this, there are warts inside the anus. After passing stool, warts go inside on their own. But in case of severe hemorrhoids, they do not go inside even after pressing with hand. That’s why don’t do any kind of negligence in its treatment.

Postpartum hemorrhoids– In body hemorrhoids, there is no bleeding in warts. These warts can be easily seen outside. But there is itching again and again and sometimes burning. Stomach is always upset in piles piles. The problem of constipation and gas remains. In the initial period, there is no problem in this piles, but due to the problem of frequent unbalanced eating and constipation, the veins swell. Blood accumulates in them. There is unbearable pain in this too and it becomes difficult for the patient to walk.

Q2. What Remedies to dry hemorrhoids  warts ?

Ans. Surgery is the only way to dry piles warts which can eliminate piles warts from the root within a few days. But while choosing piles surgery, you should keep one thing in mind, whenever surgery is done for treatment, you should choose laser surgery, it cures warts in one to two days.

Q3. Why do piles happen?

Ans. Due to chronic constipation, the stomach is not cleared and more effort has to be exerted in bowel movements, due to which the pressure in the veins increases and they become swollen, due to which the problem of hemorrhoids occurs.This disease is seen more in people suffering from overweight or obesity.


  • NSingh (MBA, RCM Expert)

    The author and contributor of this blog "NSingh" is working in Medical Billing and Coding since 2010. He is MBA in marketing and Having vaste experience in different scopes of Medical Billing and Coding as AR-Follow-up, Payment Posting, Charge posting, Coding, etc.

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