ICD-10 code for Fatigue (2024)

Fatigue is a condition widely experienced among professionals who are bound to meet certain performance goals while managing stress and other demands. It is usually felt when we work for long hours, fatigue can be due to both mental and physical exhaustion. This occurs when there is an unequal distribution of energy in a person’s life, with little energy available for restorative activities. Fatigue can lower our concentration levels and cause us to wander while on task, anxiety, low morale and motivation, and if fatigue is left unchecked, it can even lead to burnout. To combat the onset of fatigue, one should take regular breaks during intense cognitive or creative work to do something one enjoys. This can include anything from taking a short walk to doing some light stretching to restore energy. ICD-10 code for Fatigue is R53.83 and other icd 10 code for fatigue is also updated in below table.

Table of Contents

Causes of Fatigue

Fatigue is a very common condition that results from an imbalance between energy intake, expenditure and storage. There are many causes of fatigue, both physical and psychological. Normally this is not a serious condition that should make us panic, it is a common thing. Following are some of the major causes of fatigue-

◆ Physical causes may include inadequate nutrition.

◆ Iron deficiency anemia.

◆ Thyroid problems.

◆ Sleep problems such as insomnia or hypersomnia.

◆ Chronic diseases like diabetes and some infections.

◆ Psychological fatigue Stress, depression, anxiety, intense work commitments and social isolation.

Symptoms of Fatigue

Fatigue is a common symptom of many medical conditions, and can cause extreme tiredness, lack of concentration, difficulty concentrating or maintaining alertness. Following are the symptoms of fatigue-

◆ Headache and muscle pain.

◆ Additionally, it can also be a sign of emotional distress such as feelings of low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and irritability.

◆ If fatigue persists for more than two weeks, professional treatment may be recommended as it may be a sign of another underlying problem.

◆ Medical attention should also be sought if any other symptoms are being experienced, including changes in appetite or sleep patterns.

◆Night sweats.

◆ Joint pain or swelling.

◆ Chest pain.

◆ Fever or chills.

◆ vision change.

◆ Dizziness or balance problems.

Effects of Fatigue on body

 Fatigue is a common, yet often underestimated issue that if it persists over a long period of time can take a toll physically on the body as well as in our personal and professional lives. Prolonged fatigue, or extreme fatigue due to lack of sleep, overexertion and recovery from illness, can significantly worsen one’s physical condition and promote weight gain and heart disease risks due to increased cortisol levels.Additionally, it reduces performance in activities involving strength and endurance, rapidly impairs cognitive skills, coordination and reaction time as well as reduces concentration. It can also lead to psychological issues such as depression, mild psychosis (or mood swings), apathy and hypersomnia.Due to fatigue, there is a tendency to fall asleep at any time. In addition, fatigue weakens the immune system, making people more susceptible to illnesses such as the common cold and fever, and making it more difficult to recover from illnesses.

How to Protect ourself from Fatigue.

Fatigue is a common stress-related condition that can be very debilitating if left unchecked. To protect yourself from fatigue, it is important to have good sleep hygiene, adequate rest and recovery time, proper nutrition, stress management techniques such as exercise and relaxation. Additionally, getting regular checkups with your doctor to ensure proper functioning of organs and body systems can help you regulate energy levels and protect yourself from fatigue. Taking regular breaks and pacing activities throughout the day is beneficial for preventing fatigue as well as recognizing the warning signs of exhaustion before the problem becomes serious. Finally, avoiding prolonged periods of inactivity during work hours or feeling overwhelmed at work can help keep fatigue at bay.

ICD-10 code for Fatigue

ICD-10 code for Fatigue is R53.83 Other fatigue and below list is for other specification ICD 10 codes

ICD CodesDescription
R51.0Headache with orthostatic component, not elsewhere classified
R51.9Headache, unspecified
R52Pain, unspecified
R53Malaise and fatigue
R53.0Neoplastic (malignant) related fatigue
R53.2Functional quadriplegia
R53.8Other malaise and fatigue
R53.81Other malaise and fatigue
R53.82Chronic fatigue, unspecified
R53.83Other fatigue
R54Age-related physical debility
R55Syncope and collapse
R56Convulsions, not elsewhere classified
R56.0Febrile convulsions
R56.00Simple febrile convulsions
R56.01Complex febrile convulsions
R56.1Post traumatic seizures
R56.9Unspecified convulsions
R57Shock, not elsewhere classified
R57.0Cardiogenic shock
icd-10 code for fatigue


Often a combination of physical and psychological causes contribute to the onset of fatigue. For example, overworking without adequate rest or nutrition can leave a person feeling both physically and mentally exhausted. We have told you the way to reduce such fatigue through this post, apart from this we have also discussed about the causes, symptoms and negative effects of fatigue on the body.If you suspect you are suffering from fatigue, it is important to seek professional medical help so that the cause and treatment needed to reduce or manage the condition can be discovered.

 FAQs- Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are 5 symptoms of fatigue?

Ans. Aching or sore muscles. Apathy and a lack of motivation. Daytime drowsiness. Difficulty concentrating or learning new tasks.

Q2. How many types of fatigue.

Ans. Although fatigue can be attributed to many factors, there are two main types of fatigue: physical and mental. People with physical fatigue may find it physically difficult to do things they usually do, such as climbing stairs, and doing routine pre-structured tasks.

Note- All information updated from reliable and authorized source of information and USA gov authorized web portals and other source of information like CMSAAPC, ICD10data, etc. All content is used for information and education purpose only.

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  • NSingh (MBA, RCM Expert)

    The author and contributor of this blog "NSingh" is working in Medical Billing and Coding since 2010. He is MBA in marketing and Having vaste experience in different scopes of Medical Billing and Coding as AR-Follow-up, Payment Posting, Charge posting, Coding, etc.

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