ICD 10 Code for Obesity| What is Obesity ?

Due to busy lifestyle and wrong eating habits, new health problems are taking birth all over the world. Due to our carelessness in eating and drinking, these diseases are increasing rapidly. Obesity increases due to such carelessness, obesity is that condition of the body when excessive fat accumulates on our body. Obesity can embarrass you as well as negatively affect your personal life, professional life and social life. Not only this, obesity leads us to many other serious diseases. There is not a single benefit, it is only harmful for our body. ICD 10 code for obesity is E66.

Obesity is such a physical condition in which many changes occur in your body due to weight gain and other diseases start developing rapidly in your body. In the obesity, excessive amount of fat starts accumulating in your body. According to the study, about 56% of the population of India is suffering from obesity.

What is Obesity?

When we start consuming more calories than required (and are not able to spend them throughout the day), due to continuous continuation of this process, these extra calories get stored in our body in the form of fat and our weight increases. What is the standard to know whether we are in the grip of obesity or not, generally BMI (Body Mass Index) is used to measure obesity. 

Many factors can affect your weight for obesity such as not being physically active, consuming high fat foods and genetics. Excess body fat accumulation can have a lot of negative effects on your health, both mental and physical, such as increasing the risk of stress, cancer, arthritis, stroke, heart disease and diabetes.

Causes of Obesity

There can be many reasons for obesity, but one of its main reasons is to include high-fat foods in your diet, they contain high calories, and taking more calories leads to weight gain. Following are the reasons responsible for weight gain-

◆ Genetic factors If there is a history of obesity in your family, it affects how your body converts food into energy and how it stores fat.

◆ Consuming more caloric and fried roasted oily things.

◆ Age has an important role in the increase of obesity, as you grow older, the muscle mass decreases and the metabolic rate also falls rapidly. Due to low metabolism, the body is not able to digest food properly and the problem of weight gain starts easily.

◆ Not getting enough sleep can also increase the problem of weight gain, lack of sleep changes hormones, which makes you feel more hungry and motivates you to eat high-calorie food.

Effects of Obesity on body

Obesity has a very negative effect on the body. Due to obesity, there are many small health changes in the body and new diseases are born. High cholesterol in these diseases, Diabetes, and serious diseases like high BP are included, apart from this, many heart and brain related diseases arise due to obesity, in which the risk of heart disease, stroke and breathing problems etc. increases. Gynecological problems such as infertility and irregular menstruation are affected due to obesity. With the increase of obesity, osteoarthritis and liver becomes fatty.

Symptoms of Obesity

With the increase in obesity, you will automatically feel it as you will feel that there is an extra thick layer on your skin. Along with obesity, its symptoms will start appearing, such as shortness of breath and sweating while doing small tasks, sleeping more or less than necessary, sleeplessness, etc. The following symptoms have been mentioned which are caused by obesity-

◆ Obstruction in breathing or fast breathing, gasping even after walking a little.

◆ Feeling of drowsiness during day time.

◆ having back and/or joint pain.

◆ Excessive sweating without feeling hot. ◆ Being intolerant to heat and feeling tired very quickly.

◆ Loss of self-confidence and becoming a victim of depression.

How to protect yourself from Obesity?

To avoid obesity yourself, you will have to work a little, for this you will have to change your lifestyle and eating habits. To stay fit, you should do light exercise or yoga daily, as well as include healthy food (whole grains, fruits and vegetables, healthy fat and protein sources) and beverages in the diet. Try to limit high-fat foods (refined grains and sweets, potatoes, red meat, processed meats) and beverages (sweetened beverages). Try to reduce daily stressors, and do aerobic exercise daily. If you want, you can also do weight loss surgery, it is also known as bariatric surgery.

ICD 10 Codes for Obesity and other Adjacent codes:

icd 10 code of obesity is E66. It should not be used for reimbursement purposes as there are multiple codes below

ICD CodesDescription
E63.8Other specified nutritional deficiencies
E63.9Nutritional deficiency, unspecified
E64Sequelae of malnutrition and other nutritional deficiencies
E64.0Sequelae of protein-calorie malnutrition
E64.1Sequelae of vitamin A deficiency
E64.2Sequelae of vitamin C deficiency
E64.3Sequelae of rickets
E64.8Sequelae of other nutritional deficiencies
E64.9Sequelae of unspecified nutritional deficiency
E65Localized adiposity
E66Overweight and obesity
E66.0Obesity due to excess calories
E66.01Morbid (severe) obesity due to excess calories
E66.09Other obesity due to excess calories
E66.1Drug-induced obesity
E66.2Morbid (severe) obesity with alveolar hypoventilation
E66.3Overweight and obesity
E66.8Other obesity
E66.9Obesity, unspecified
E67Other hyperalimentation
E67.0Hypervitaminosis A
ICD 10 Code for Obesity

Final Words

Surely the increase of fat in the body is a matter of concern because it not only increases the risk of serious diseases but also increases the difficulties in living our life. Due to excessive weight, we have problem in getting up and sitting, due to which we do not become a part of any social program. Due to obesity, our self-confidence also decreases and if proper steps are not taken to prevent it on time, then we can also go into depression.

For the prevention of obesity, we have to keep in mind the simple things, doing aerobic exercise daily, consuming a balanced fiber rich diet and adding as little oily food as possible. BMI up to 25-29 is called overweight and it is not dangerous at all, but obesity becomes very dangerous when BMI becomes 40 or more. Through today’s post, we have come to know what is obesity and its disadvantages, how to control obesity and what are the symptoms and causes of obesity.


Q1. How many types of obesity ?

Ans. On the basis of BMI, they can be divided into three parts which are as follows-
Class I obesity: BMI 30 to <35 kg/m².
Class II obesity: BMI 35 to <40 kg/m².
Class III obesity: BMI 40+ kg/m².

Q2. Is Obesity a disease?

Ans. No, we cannot see obesity as a disease, it is a kind of physical disorder which can be the reason for the birth of many diseases in the body.

Q3. What are the 3 main causes of obesity?

Ans. These include the three main reasons for obesity-
Consuming more caloric and fried roasted oily things.
Eating unbalanced and high calorie food.
Not participating in physical activities at all.

Note- All information updated from reliable and authorized source of information and USA gov authorized web portals and other source of information like CMSAAPC, ICD10data, etc. All content is used for information and education purpose only.


  • NSingh (MBA, RCM Expert)

    The author and contributor of this blog "NSingh" is working in Medical Billing and Coding since 2010. He is MBA in marketing and Having vaste experience in different scopes of Medical Billing and Coding as AR-Follow-up, Payment Posting, Charge posting, Coding, etc.

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