ICD 10 Code For Pyelonephritis (2024)

ICD or the international classification of diseases is one consolidated and uniform piece of disease manual that works very well across each nation. Specific ICD-10-CM code for Pyelonephritis is N10 which can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes

If you do not know already, the United States of America is covered under Mediclaim in most cases and hence in that case a unique coding is mandatory.

The codes are unique in each case and that is what adds to the efficiency level of the manual. All one needs to do is keep in mind which code you are putting in and there will be on-time reimbursement of your loan application without any kind of last-minute hassles.

What is The ICD 10 Code for Pyelonephritis?

The ICD 10 code for Pyelonephritis is currently set at N10 and this particular code has been set stagnant after the 10th edition of the same.

The ICD 10 code for Pyelonephritis is billable and only by mentioning the unique code you will be able to leverage the reimbursements as well consequently.

Acute Pyelonephritis is often a code that is misconstrued; however, the current revision has made it very clear and evident as to what is the particular ICD 10 code for Pyelonephritis.

Pyelonephritis for those who do not know is a kind of inflammation of the kidney because there has been an abnormal growth of bacterial infection.

The major problem with Pyelonephritis is that it tends to have a lot of implications and consequently it brings down the health of the individual. If you have this particular disease, the ICD 10 code for Pyelonephritis is set at N10 which just needs to be mentioned correctly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Do I need to mention the code for Pyelonephritis while medical billing?

Ans. Yes, if you want to get your medical bill reimbursed then it is necessary that you mention the current code along with the supporting documents.
The ICD 10 code for Pyelonephritis is currently set at N10 and all you need to do is mention this code accurately so that there are zero problems in processing the application.

Q2. Is N10 Billable?

Ans. According to the latest update of the ICD 10, it was seen that the code N10 stands for Pyelonephritis. Going by the classification it can be said without any doubt that currently the N10 is billable and you can get the reimbursement as well if everything seems okay.

Q3. Is the N10 Code Applicable For Haemoglobin Nephrosis?

Ans. Yes, if you do not know already then Haemoglobin Nephrosis is one of the major sub-branches of Pyelonephritis which is classified with the code N10. Hence you need to use this particular code for the Haemoglobin Nephrosis as well.

Q4. How Can I Get Medicare For Pyelonephritis?

Ans. Going by the latest edition of the ICD 10, which is the 10th revision, you can very well say that Pyelonephritis is covered. The ICD 10 code for Pyelonephritis is set at N10 which tends to cover quite a few domains under this genre.
If you get into such diseases, you can get treated at any healthcare center under the governance of a medical practitioner. The amount will be reimbursed for sure if you mention the code correctly during the Medicare claim.

Q5. Do I Have To Use The Code for Pyelonephritis?

Ans. You have to use the code for Pyelonephritis in case you want to apply for the Mediclaim services. There is one unique code for each of the diseases and they need to be used while applying for the medical bills reimbursement process.

Best icd-10-cm code book 2022


  • NSingh (MBA, RCM Expert)

    The author and contributor of this blog "NSingh" is working in Medical Billing and Coding since 2010. He is MBA in marketing and Having vaste experience in different scopes of Medical Billing and Coding as AR-Follow-up, Payment Posting, Charge posting, Coding, etc.

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