
List of Modifiers in medical billing with description

CPT/HCPCS Modifiers:

  1. -25: Significant, separately identifiable E/M service by the same physician on the same day of a procedure.
  2. -26: Professional component (indicates the physician’s professional services for a diagnostic test or procedure).
  3. -27: Multiple outpatient hospital E/M services on the same date.
  4. -50: Bilateral procedure (when the same procedure is performed on both sides of the body).
  5. -51: Multiple procedures (indicates more than one procedure was performed).
  6. -52: Reduced services (indicates a service was partially reduced or eliminated).
  7. -53: Discontinued procedure (used when a procedure was started but was discontinued due to unforeseen circumstances).
  8. -54: Surgical care only (used for the surgical portion of a procedure when postoperative or preoperative care is provided by another provider).
  9. -55: Postoperative care only (used when postoperative care is provided by a provider other than the surgeon).
  10. -56: Preoperative care only (indicates the care provided before a procedure by someone other than the surgeon).
  11. -58: Staged or related procedure or service by the same physician during the postoperative period.
  12. -59: Distinct procedural service (used to indicate that a procedure was distinct or independent from other services performed on the same day).
  13. -62: Two surgeons (indicates that two surgeons worked together to perform a procedure).
  14. -63: Procedure performed on infants less than 4 kg (2.2 lbs).
  15. -76: Repeat procedure or service by the same physician.
  16. -77: Repeat procedure or service by another physician.
  17. -78: Unplanned return to the operating room for a related procedure during the postoperative period.
  18. -79: Unrelated procedure or service by the same physician during the postoperative period.
  19. -80: Assistant surgeon.
  20. -81: Minimum assistant surgeon.
  21. -82: Assistant surgeon (when a resident or physician in training performs the procedure).
  22. -91: Repeat clinical diagnostic laboratory test.
  23. -99: Multiple modifiers (used when more than one modifier applies to a service).

Modifiers for HCPCS Codes:

  1. -A1 to A9: Used for various ambulance transportation codes.
  2. -D: Durable medical equipment (DME) codes indicating specific use or status.
  3. -Q: Qualifying service or code, often in DME.

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