POS 61|Place Of Service 61 in Medical Billing

POS 61 (Place of Service 61)

The place of Service code is a two-digit code that should be stipulated on an HCFA claim form on box number 24b while relenting the claims to insurance companies.

Unrolling on POS 61

The Place of Service 61 or POS 61 signifies “Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility“.

What does the aforesaid service mean?

“Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility” is a type of facility that provides compendious rehabilitation helping hands.

The services take place under the supervision of

  • a qualified physician


  • inpatients with physical disabilities
  • require rigorous rehabilitation

Motives of Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility

That’s simple!!!

They do the following,

  • Help patients to regain function(with those having functional impairments)
  • To make them as independent as possible
  • and make them able and capable to be acceptable in a community setting

Who are the members of the squad?

It’s an incredible team comprising of eminent members,

  • Physical therapists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Speech-language pathologists
  • Social workers
  • Rehabilitation nurses
  • Psychologists
  • Dietitians
  • Orthotics
  • Rehabilitation psychiatrists

Good turns of Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility include?

As per POS 61 or Comprehensive, Inpatient Rehabilitation Services include the following,

  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech pathology
  • Social services
  • Psychological services
  • Orthotics
  • and Prosthetics services

Plan of actions under Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility

🔲 Treatment plans are devised according to the input of the patient and their family.

  • ☑️Please take note of ~ Try to be as honest as possible while giving details to enjoy the most beneficial output.

🔲 A symposium arrangement on a daily basis to review progress and goals.

🔲 An extra provision is made for patients and their respective families to raise any query or demand a solution.

🔲 A special training program for those caring family members to take the step ahead at home.

🔲 Unbroken care coordination after discharge which includes,

  • Home-based rehabilitation
  • Outpatient rehabilitation
  • Adult daycare services

Close down!

The Place of Service 61 or POS 61 is different from POS 21 although they are meant for Inpatients.


✅POS 61 is applicable for facilities including psychiatric patients.

✅POS 21 is attainable for facilities excluding psychiatry.


Please submit the correct POS code to avoid any denial of services.

Reference Link


  • NSingh (MBA, RCM Expert)

    The author and contributor of this blog "NSingh" is working in Medical Billing and Coding since 2010. He is MBA in marketing and Having vaste experience in different scopes of Medical Billing and Coding as AR-Follow-up, Payment Posting, Charge posting, Coding, etc.

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