Place of Service 21 Description (POS 21) in Medical Billing (2024)

POS 21 in medical billing codes

When it comes to medical billing, the accurate identification of the place where a healthcare service was rendered is crucial. This information helps insurance companies and other stakeholders determine the appropriate reimbursement and ensure proper documentation. Place of Service (POS) codes were introduced to standardize this process. Among these codes, Place of Service 21 holds … Read more

POS 34|Place of Service 34 in Medical Billing

POS 34 (Place of Service 34) As remarked about POS is the contracted form of Place of Service. Place of Service Code or POS is a two-digit referral code. It is set down on health care professional claims (Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance) to indicate the backdrop in which a service was provided. ☑️Please take … Read more